Privacy Policy

This website (“Website”) and its mobile application “NOBUY RENT” (“Mobile Application”) are owned by Atozrent Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 with its registered office at D. no. 21, 21/1, Second Street, Sankara Nagar, Vilankurichi, Coimbatore North, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - 641035, The Company operating under the brand name, "NOBUY RENT".

Your access and use of NOBUY RENT, its services and tools are governed by the following Terms PRIVACY POLICY, Terms and Conditions and by other applicable policies, rules, code, conditions and guidelines of NOBUY RENT (collectively referred to as “NOBUY RENT Policies”) which may be issued by NOBUY RENT from time to time and/or which are incorporated herein by way of reference, with or without prior notification. By mere use of the NOBUY RENT, You are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following Privacy Policy.

The Vendors (as defined in the Terms and Conditions and referred to as “Owner(s)” in Website and Mobile Application), Users (as defined in the Terms and Conditions and referred to as “Receiver(s)” in Website and Mobile Application), and any other NOBUY RENT visitors are hereby collectively and severally referred to as "You" or "Users" in this Privacy Policy. The Vendors are, at several instances herein, referred to as Vendors directly, wherever the context requires. The term "We", "Us", "Our", “Company” shall mean NOBUY RENT and/or its assignees, employees and authorised representatives. This privacy statement "Privacy Policy" is a part and parcel of the Terms and Conditions, Terms for Vendors and NOBUY RENT Policies, which describes how We collect, use, share, disclose, and protect personal information of Users. We pledge to preserve Your privacy and any personally identifiable information or Personal Information You have provided with Uson the NOBUY RENT by way of our Privacy Policy. Any service that "You" use through the NOBUY RENT Platform is governed by our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. Any term used in this Privacy Policy but not defined therein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Terms and Conditions and/or Terms for Vendors, as the context requires.

We, Atozrent Private Limited are a dedicated team of professionals, committed to provide the best user experience, ensuring User(s)’ data protection and privacy. The objective of this Privacy Policy is to inform User(s) about the data collection and their usage by NOBUY RENT. Definitions and references that form a part of NOBUY RENT Policies shall be referred to as part of this Privacy Policy wherever the context requires.

This Privacy Policy is published and shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of:

  1. The Information Technology Act, 2000
  2. Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 under Information Technology Act, 2000 that requires publishing the Rules and Regulations, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for access or usage of NOBUY RENT.
  3. Rule 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011 under Information Technology Act, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the “SPI Rules”)
  4. The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDP Act”)

NOBUY RENT is a local discovery platform providing products for rent and services for hire that are available in and around Your location “Services” and providing a marketplace where Vendors providing such products and services for rent/hire meet “Vendors”. By using the Services or by otherwise giving Us Your information, You will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy. You hereby provide Your consent for collection, use, sharing, disclosure of Your information as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete portions of the Terms of this Privacy Policy, at Our sole discretion, at any given time. If You do not Agree with this Privacy Policy, You are at liberty to opt out of the Services provided by “Us” at any given time. If You use the Services on behalf of someone else or an Entity, It would be assumed that “You” are authorised by such individual or Entity to;

  1. Accept this Privacy Policy on such individual’s or Entity’s behalf, and;
  2. Consent on behalf of such individual or Entity to Our collection, use, sharing, disclosure of such individual’s or Entity’s information as described in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy states the following:

  1. The type of information collected from the Users, including Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Data or Information (as defined under Clause 1 herein) relating to an individual;
  2. The purpose, means and modes of collection, usage, processing, retention and destruction of such information; and
  3. How and to whom NOBUY RENT will disclose such information.

    1. It is mandatory for You to register Yourself with NOBUY RENT as detailed in the Terms and Conditions and Terms for Vendors to gain access to its contents. NOBUY RENT may collect personal as well as non personal information from its Users. Such non-personal information may include but is not limited to, the details of Your geographical location,Your internet service provider, the type of Your internet browser, the operating system of Your Device, the website or application that You last visited before visiting NOBUY RENT, the website or application which You may visit next to NOBUY RENT and/or the duration of Your stay on NOBUY RENT.
    2. The information collected from You by NOBUY RENT may constitute “personal information” or “sensitive personal data or information” under the “SPI Rules” and “personal data” as defined under the PDP Act. “personal information” is defined under Section 2, clause (i) of the SPI Rules to mean any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available to a body corporate, is capable of identifying such person. Section 2 (t) of the PDP Act defines “personal data” as any data about an individual who is identifiable by or in relation to such data. Section 3 of the SPI Rules provides that “sensitive personal data or information” of a person means such personal information which consists of information relating to:
      • passwords;
      • financial information such as bank accounts, credit and debit card details or other payment instrument details;
      • physical, physiological and mental health condition;
      • sexual orientation;
      • medical records and history;
      • biometric information;
      • any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to body corporate for providing service; and
      • any of the information received under above clauses by body corporate for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise;

      Throughout this Policy, the terms “personal data” , “personal information”, “sensitive personal data or information” are synonymously used.

    3. When You sign up and register with NOBUY RENT, in addition to the non-personal information, NOBUY RENT collects Your personal information such as listed above including but not limited to Your Name, Password, Name, Gender, Age, Date of Birth, Address, Address proof, ID Proof, WhatsApp Number, Mobile Number, E-mail, Occupation, Education, Interests, details of social media pages/profiles, photos and other files on Your device, contacts saved on Your device, data collected from other applications installed on Your device, Internet Protocol (IP) Address, Your preferences and usage behaviour on NOBUY RENT, any feedback or such other content, irrespective of them being, text or voice note or photos or videos, that You may post on NOBUY RENT and/or any other information in the nature of sensitive personal data, except financial information.
    4. User may have limited access to NOBUY RENT without creating an Account on NOBUY RENT. In order to have access to all the features and benefits on NOBUY RENT, a User must first create an Account on NOBUY RENT. To create an Account, a User is required to provide the following information, which such User recognises and expressly acknowledges as Personal Information, which may include the User’s name, User ID, email address, country, ZIP/postal code, age, phone number, password chosen by the User, valid financial account information, etc., as required by NOBUY RENT. Other information requested while Signing Up, including the ability to receive promotional offers from NOBUY RENT, is optional. NOBUY RENT may, in future, include other optional requests for information from the User to help NOBUY RENT to customise NOBUY RENT to deliver personalized information to the User.
    5. NOBUY RENT occasionally conducts User survey to collect information about Users' preferences. These surveys are optional and if Users choose to respond, their responses will be kept anonymous. Similarly, NOBUY RENT may ask for contact and demographic information such as name, email address and mailing address. The demographic information that NOBUY RENT collects in the registration process while Signing Up and through surveys is used to help NOBUY RENT improve its Services to meet the needs and preferences of Users.
    6. NOBUY RENT may facilitate interaction between the User and Vendor, through messages and/or calls; NOBUY RENT does not store or intercept such calls or communications. The phone call option facilitated by NOBUY RENT shall be based on a phone carrier that is synced with Your Device. You agree and acknowledge that You shall not involve in any prohibited or unlawful activity during such calls and communications. Any claims/actions against other Users or Vendors regarding any unlawful or prohibited activities may be pursued before appropriate legal authorities; NOBUY RENT shall not be liable for any damages suffered by You as a result of such unlawful or prohibited activities by other Users or Vendors.
    7. No Sensitive Personal Data or Information is automatically collected by NOBUY RENT from any casual visitors of NOBUY RENT. Nevertheless, certain provisions and obligations under this Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions are applicable to even to such casual visitors, and such casual visitors are also required to read and understand the privacy statements set out herein, failing which they are required to notify NOBUY RENT immediately, through
    8. If You, as a casual visitor, have inadvertently browsed any other page of NOBUY RENT prior to reading the privacy statements set out herein, and You do not agree with the manner in which such information is obtained, collected, processed, stored, used, disclosed or retained, merely quitting this browser application should ordinarily clear all temporary cookies installed by NOBUY RENT. All visitors, however, are encouraged to use the “clear cookies” functionality of their browsers to ensure such clearing/ deletion, as NOBUY RENT cannot guarantee, predict or provide for the behaviour of the equipment of all the visitors of the NOBUY RENT. You are not a casual visitor if You have willingly submitted any Personal Information to NOBUY RENT through any means, including email, post or through the registration process on the NOBUY RENT. All such visitors will be deemed to be, and will be treated as, Users for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, and in which case, all the statements in this Privacy Policy apply to such persons.
    9. You acknowledge that the NOBUY RENT shall be free to use, collect and disclose any User information that is freely available in the public domain without Your consent. NOBUY RENT does not collect information about the casual visitors of the NOBUY RENT from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations, save and except for the purposes of registration of the Users and to effectively render its services in NOBUY RENT.

    1. The condition for each User’s use of and access to the NOBUY RENT is their acceptance of the User Agreement - Terms and Conditions and Vendor Agreement - Terms and Conditions and any other NOBUY RENT Policies as the case may be, which also involves acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy. Any User that does not agree with any provisions of the same may opt to discontinue the Services provided by NOBUY RENT immediately.
    2. The primary purpose of NOBUY RENT collecting information from You is to provide You a secure and hassle-free experience that is customized to suit Your interests and requirements. By using the Services or by otherwise giving Us Your Information You understand, agree and acknowledge that the collection, storage and processing of Your information is lawful and is required for the functioning of NOBUY RENT and to provide You its services.
    3. All the information provided to NOBUY RENT by a User, including Personal Information or any Sensitive Personal Data or Information, is voluntary. You understand that NOBUY RENT may use certain information of Yours, which has been designated as Personal Information or ‘Sensitive Personal Data or Information’ under the SPI Rules: The information collected from You is used,
      1. For the purpose of providing services effectively and efficiently to You,
      2. To help You address Your problems or grievances incurred in relation to Your transactions with NOBUY RENT;
      3. To facilitate Your use of NOBUY RENT or other services of NOBUY RENT;
      4. To provide You with information about product(s) and services available on NOBUY RENT, to present advertisements and to send You promotional materials and offers that are tailored to Your preferences and interests;
      5. To send You online surveys and marketing communications that may interest You;
      6. To help You address Your problems or grievances incurred in relation to Your transactions with NOBUY RENT;
      7. To send You notices regarding any changes in Terms and Conditions, NOBUY RENT policies, guidelines and/or other administrative information;
      8. To send You information and notices about Your Account on NOBUY RENT such as updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages.
      9. To conduct internal reviews, data analysis, analytical studies, research and surveys on user behaviour, user preferences, usage of NOBUY RENT and to measure effectiveness of NOBUY RENT advertisements, offers and promotional materials;
      10. For administration of NOBUY RENT;
      11. To take action against any person who may have violated or is being likely to violate or is causing another to violate any provision of law including the Information Technology Act, 2000 that is likely to have an adverse impact on NOBUY RENT or Services provided by NOBUY RENT;
      12. To protect the security of our systems and networks, enforce our policies, or address legal and regulatory compliance obligations.
      13. To improve or develop new features on NOBUY RENT
      14. For commercial purposes and in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes; and for sale or transfer of such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates;
      15. For sale or transfer of such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates
      16. For debugging customer support related issues.
    4. If You have voluntarily provided Your Personal Information to NOBUY RENT for any of the purposes stated above, You hereby consent to such collection and use of such information by NOBUY RENT.
    5. NOBUY RENT shall not contact You on Your telephone number(s) for any purpose, if Your telephone number is registered with the National Do Not Call Registry “DNC Registry” maintained by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India and also provided that the registration of the same with DNC Registry is intimated in writing to NOBUY RENT via
    6. NOBUY RENT may also disclose or transfer Users’ Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Information and any other information provided by a User, to a third party as part of reorganisation or a sale of the assets of a NOBUY RENT to any third party. Any third party to which NOBUY RENT transfers or sells its assets to will have the right to continue to use the Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Information and any other information that Users provide to Us, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and Agreement for Vendors.
    7. NOBUY RENT may keep records of electronic communications and telephone calls received and made for making appointments or other purposes for the purpose of administration of services, customer support, research and development and for better listing of Products or Services.
    8. If any other information is to be collected/released/stored/disposed/modified from the Users other than that which has already been stated in this Privacy Policy, a separate permission would be taken from the Users in the form of Pop-ups/disclaimers/permissions for e.g., audio/video permission, location permission, notification service, app background permission, etc., and such other permissions as may be necessary. There might be other permissions/information which NOBUY RENT would require to provide a smooth experience to its Users, and NOBUY RENT reserves the right to ask any such information from the User as it deems fit to serve its objective as an intermediary.

    1. NOBUY RENT also reserves the right to use information provided by You for the following purposes:
      1. Publishing such information on the NOBUY RENT.
      2. Contacting Users for offering new products or services.
      3. Contacting Users for taking feedback.
      4. Analysing software usage patterns for improving product design and utility.
      5. Analysing anonymised practice information for, including but not limited to financial, and inventory information for commercial use.
    2. NOBUY RENT may share the information collected from You, whether personal or non- personal, to,
      1. NOBUY RENT’s vendors or business affiliates or partners to facilitate Your use of NOBUY RENT or to effectively complete and fulfill Your transaction with NOBUY RENT;
      2. Third parties who may need to contact You for facilitating customer service and customer support;
      3. Third parties for facilitating marketing and advertising of NOBUY RENT services;
      4. Another business entity in the event of merger, acquisition, amalgamation, reorganization or restructuring of NOBUY RENT’s business (or assets) with or by such other business entity;
      5. Respond to legal, judicial, quasi judicial process, law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law.
    3. Usage of data in anonymised form: Due to the communications standards on the Internet, when a User visits the NOBUY RENT, NOBUY RENT automatically receives the URL of the site from which anyone visits. NOBUY RENT also receives the Internet Protocol (IP) address of each User’s computer (or the proxy server a User used to access the World Wide Web), User’s computer operating system and type of web browser the User is using, email patterns, as well as the name of User’s ISP. This information is used to analyse overall trends to help NOBUY RENT improve its services. The linkage between User’s IP address and User’s personally identifiable information is not shared with or disclosed to third parties. Notwithstanding the above, NOBUY RENT may share and/or disclose some of the aggregate findings (not the specific data) in anonymised form (i.e., non-personally identifiable) with advertisers, sponsors, investors, strategic partners, and others in order to help grow its business.
    4. Disclosure of Personal Information: To the extent necessary to provide Users with the Services, NOBUY RENT may provide their Personal Information to third party contractors who work on behalf of or with NOBUY RENT to provide Users with such services, to help NOBUY RENT communicate with Users or to maintain the NOBUY RENT. Generally these contractors do not have any independent right to share this information, however certain contractors who provide services on the NOBUY RENT, including the providers of online communications services, may use and disclose the Personal Information collected in connection with the provision of these Services in accordance with their own privacy policies. In such circumstances, You consent to Us disclosing Your Personal Information to contractors, solely for the intended purposes only.
    5. NOBUY RENT maintains a strict "No-Spam" policy, which means that NOBUY RENT does not intend to sell, rent or otherwise give Your e-mail address or contact phone number to a third party without Your consent.
    6. You agree and acknowledge that NOBUY RENT adheres to the limits and restrictions of the PDP Act and processes personal data or sensitive personal data or information in accordance with the legitimate use as prescribed under Section 7 of the PDP Act.
  • 4. WAIVER:

    1. NOBUY RENT does not control or endorse the content, messages or information found in any Services and, therefore, NOBUY RENT specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the services and any actions resulting from Your participation in any Services, and You agree that You waive any claims against NOBUY RENT relating to same, and to the extent such waiver may be ineffective, You agree to release any claims against NOBUY RENT relating to the same.

    1. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information: NOBUY RENT displays the information provided by the Users on an as-is basis making no representation or warranty on the accuracy or completeness of the said information. We strongly encourage Users to check the accuracy and completeness of their information from time to time, and inform Us immediately of any discrepancies, changes, or updates to such information. If Your Personal Information changes, You may correct, delete inaccuracies, or amend information by making the change on Your Account or by contacting Us through We will make good faith efforts to make requested changes in Our then active databases as soon as 'reasonably practicable.’ You shall not suppress any material information while providing Your Personal Data for any document, unique identifier, proof of identity or proof of address issued by the State or any of its instrumentalities.
    2. If You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, out of date or incomplete (or becomes untrue, inaccurate, out of date or incomplete), or NOBUY RENT has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information provided by You is untrue, inaccurate, out of date or incomplete, NOBUY RENT may, at its sole discretion, discontinue the provision of the Services to You or modify/remove the data. There may be circumstances where NOBUY RENT may not correct, delete or update Your Personal Information, including:
      1. where the Personal Information are data relating to subjective and non-provocative opinions, which are in adherence to reasonable restrictions to the fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression; and
      2. the Personal Information is a disputed/material/relevant information in pending prosecution or legal proceedings.
    3. NOBUY RENT may also display information for Users who have not Signed Up or registered for availing the Services. However, NOBUY RENT does not undertake any liability for any incorrect/incomplete information appearing on the NOBUY RENT for such Users.

    1. If You wish to cancel Your account or request that We no longer use Your information to provide You Services, contact Us through We will retain Your information for as long as Your Account with the services is active and as needed to provide the Services. We shall not retain such information for longer than is required for the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used or is otherwise required under any other law for the time being in force. After a period of time, Your data may be anonymised and aggregated, and then may be held by Us as long as necessary for Us to provide our Services effectively and for lawful purpose. Please note that Your withdrawal of consent, or cancellation of Account may result in NOBUY RENT being unable to provide You with its Services or to terminate any existing relationship NOBUY RENT may have with You.
    2. If You wish to withdraw Your consent to NOBUY RENT to access or use Your personal data, or opt-out of receiving non-essential communications such as promotional and marketing-related information regarding the services, please send Us an email at

    1. NOBUY RENT may seek permission from its Users to access Location, Contacts, Camera, Gallery, other social media platforms etc., for the purpose of facilitating better usage of NOBUY RENT.
  • 8. COOKIES:

    1. The NOBUY RENT may use temporary cookies to collect and store certain information (that is not Sensitive Personal Data or Information) that is used by NOBUY RENT and its service providers for the technical administration of the NOBUY RENT, research and development, and for User administration. In the course of serving advertisements or optimising services to its Users, NOBUY RENT may allow authorised third parties to place or recognise a unique cookie on the User’s browser. The cookies however, do not collect or store any Personal Information of the User. You may adjust Your internet browser to disable cookies. If cookies are disabled, You may still use the NOBUY RENT, but the NOBUY RENT may be limited in the use of some of the features.
  • 9. SECURITY:

    1. Latest Data Protection Practices: NOBUY RENT has implemented best international market practices and security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the Personal Information that it has under its control from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. We further implement reasonable security practices and procedures and have a comprehensive documented information security programme and information security policies that contain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of NOBUY RENT’s business. However, for any data loss or theft due to unauthorised access to the User’s electronic devices through which the User avails the Services, You acknowledge and agree that NOBUY RENT shall not be held liable for any liability or loss or damages whatsoever incurred by the User.
    2. NOBUY RENT strives to take reasonable security measures to protect Your personal information which are in its control. However, internet, computer systems, networks and resources are not fully secure. NOBUY RENT, therefore, does not guarantee the security of Your personal information. NOBUY RENT will not be responsible for any breach of security of Your personal information caused either by Your negligence, or breach caused by other Users, or any third parties (including third party sites) receiving Your personal information, or be liable for any loss / misuse in case of events happening beyond the control of NOBUY RENT (including, but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquakes, rainstorms, cyclones, explosions, acts of God, civil commotion, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, hacking and other kinds of cyber attacks, scraping, use of web crawlers, spiderbots, plug-in, add-ons, acts of government, unauthorised access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.).
    3. In case of any updation in the Website or Mobile Application, where Users will have passwords to access any feature or the platform, NOBUY RENT intends to provide passwords in encrypted mode, thus, no administrator at NOBUY RENT will have knowledge of Your password. It is important for You to not to share Your password then, with anyone to protect Yourself against unauthorised access either through Your computer or Your mobile phone. In any case, Be sure to log off from NOBUY RENT when finished. NOBUY RENT does not undertake any liability for any unauthorised use of Your account and password. If You suspect any unauthorized use of Your account or any other account at NOBUY RENT, You must immediately notify NOBUY RENT by sending an email to You acknowledge and agree that You shall be liable to indemnify NOBUY RENT for any loss suffered by it due to such unauthorised use of Your account and password.
    4. Disclosure Clause: NOBUY RENT takes Your right to privacy very seriously and other than as specifically stated in this Privacy Policy, will only disclose Your Personal Information in the event that it is required to do so by law, rule, regulation, law enforcement agency, governmental or legal mandate or such other circumstances or when NOBUY RENT, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply the Terms and Conditions.
    5. If You have inadvertently submitted any such information to NOBUY RENT prior to reading the privacy statements set out herein, and You do not agree with the manner in which such information is collected, processed, stored, used or disclosed, then You may access, modify and delete such information by using options provided on the NOBUY RENT. Further You shall send an email to, inquire whether NOBUY RENT is in possession of Your Personal Information, and You may also require NOBUY RENT to delete and destroy all such information.
    6. NOBUY RENT may keep records of electronic communications and telephone calls received and made, for the purpose of administration of Services, customer support, research and development.
    7. In the event of obtaining intimation or knowledge of personal data breach as defined under Section 2(u) of the PDP Act, NOBUY RENT shall give the Board (i.e., Data Protection Board of India established by the Central Government under section 18 of the PDP Act) and You, intimation of such breach in such form and manner as may be prescribed under PDP Act.

    1. This Privacy Policy applies to services that are owned and operated by NOBUY RENT. NOBUY RENT does not exercise control over the sites displayed as search results or links from within its Services. These other sites may place their own cookies or other files on the Users’ computer, collect data or solicit Personal Information from the Users, for which NOBUY RENT is not responsible or liable. Accordingly, NOBUY RENT does not make any representations concerning the privacy practices or policies of such third parties or Terms and Conditions of NOBUY RENT, nor does NOBUY RENT guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages or other materials available on such NOBUY RENTs “Third Party Content”. The inclusion or exclusion of any Third Party Content on NOBUY RENT does not imply any endorsement by NOBUY RENT of the NOBUY RENT, the NOBUY RENT's provider, or the information on the NOBUY RENT. If You decide to visit a third party NOBUY RENT linked to the NOBUY RENT, You do this entirely at Your own risk. NOBUY RENT encourages You to read the privacy policies of such other third parties.
    2. NOBUY RENT may enable User to communicate with other Users or to post information to be accessed by others, whereupon other Users may collect such data. Such Users, including any moderators or administrators, who are not authorised NOBUY RENT representatives or agents, and their opinions or statements do not necessarily reflect those of NOBUY RENT, and they are not authorised to bind NOBUY RENT to any contract. NOBUY RENT hereby expressly disclaims any liability for any reliance or misuse of such information that is made available by Users or visitors in such a manner.
    3. User(s) shall be solely responsible for information provided/shared by them, through their Account and NOBUY RENT shall not be responsible for unauthorised/illegal storage or usage of such information by other Users or by any third parties.
    4. User(s) shall also ensure that they do not post or share any information on NOBUY RENT, that is, either prohibited by law or unauthorised by the owner(s) and/or author(s) and/or related parties of the information. NOBUY RENT shall not be responsible for such unauthorised/illegal usage or sharing of information by the Users.
    5. NOBUY RENT shall not be liable for any kind of damages whether personal, monetary or reputational etc., caused to You, by other Users, any third parties or by Your own negligence and NOBUY RENT shall not be proceeded or taken action against, in any such circumstances whatsoever.
    6. NOBUY RENT takes Your right to privacy very seriously and other than as specifically stated in this Privacy Policy, will only disclose Your Personal Information in the event of a requirement to do so by any law, rule, regulation, law enforcement agency, governmental official, legal authority or similar mandates or when NOBUY RENT, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply the NOBUY RENT Policies.
    7. NOBUY RENT declares that it does not ask or collect any financial information (such as bank accounts, credit and debit card details or other payment instrument details) or payments from the Users through its website or application or through phone calls or messages or through any other methods, at any point in time.
    8. You agree and acknowledge that no payments to be made to the Vendor shall be transacted through NOBUY RENT and any issue in relation with the rented product or hired service must be raised solely with the Vendor and any claims for refund/exchange/replacement in respect of the Services shall lie solely against the Vendor alone.
    9. NOBUY RENT disclaims any liability towards collection, storage, usage of financial information or collection of payments from the Users, by Vendors or any third parties; Users acknowledge and agree that they shall not proceed against or initiate action against NOBUY RENT for any kind of damages whether personal, monetary or reputational etc., caused to You, by other Users, Vendors or any third parties or by Your own negligence in respect of usage of financial information or collection of payments etc., as stated in this clause, under any circumstances whatsoever.

    1. NOBUY RENT adheres to and commits to the protection of data and privacy of information collected from You. In respect of the information provided by or collected from You, the responsibility of NOBUY RENT is restricted to that of an ‘intermediary’ under The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 and ‘Data Fiduciary’ as defined under the PDP Act. We collect, store, process, publish, alter, modify, delete, remove and use any information, in part or whole, collected from the Vendors or the Users including but not limited to all information provided in their respective Accounts, records of telephonic and video conferencing conversations of the Users and Vendors in NOBUY RENT, etc., in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By using the NOBUY RENT and/ or by downloading or accessing or Signing Up in NOBUY RENT (as defined in the Privacy Policy), You consent to the collection and use of the information by NOBUY RENT, in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
    2. Your Personal Information is maintained by NOBUY RENT in electronic form on its equipment, and on the equipment of its employees. Such information may also be converted to physical form from time to time. NOBUY RENT takes all necessary precautions to protect Your Personal Information both online and offline, and implements reasonable security practices and measures including certain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of the business undertaken by NOBUY RENT. NOBUY RENT follows reasonable and best industry practices to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of Your Personal Information, in accordance with the SPI Rules.
    3. It is important for You not to share Your password with anyone to protect Yourself against unauthorised access either through Your computer or Your mobile phone. You shall ensure that You logout from the mobile application/website of NOBUY RENT upon or during Your absence from the device in which You may use NOBUY RENT. NOBUY RENT does not undertake any liability for any unauthorised use of Your Account and password. If You suspect any unauthorized use of Your Account, You must immediately notify NOBUY RENT by sending an email to You shall be liable to indemnify NOBUY RENT for any loss suffered by it due to such unauthorised use of Your Account and password.
    4. NOBUY RENT makes all User information accessible to its employees, agents or partners and third parties only on a necessity basis, and binds only its employees to strict confidentiality obligations.
    5. NOBUY RENT aims to aid Vendors to maintain and organise the information of the Users including personal information. NOBUY RENT may, therefore, retain and submit, on a discretionary basis, all such records to the appropriate authorities, or to the Vendors who request access to such information.
    6. All NOBUY RENT employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of Sensitive Personal Data or Information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of Users’ Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data and Information. NOBUY RENT has put in place procedures and technologies as per good industry practices and in accordance with the applicable laws, to maintain security of all Personal Information from the point of collection to the point of destruction. NOBUY RENT shall insist the data processors to which NOBUY RENT transfers Personal Information to agree to comply with those procedures and policies and applicable laws, and to put in place adequate measures on their own, however, NOBUY RENT shall not be held accountable for any kind of data breach or violation or usage by such data processors or third parties and no damages whatsoever, can be claimed against NOBUY RENT regarding the same.
    7. Notwithstanding the above, NOBUY RENT is not responsible for the confidentiality, security or distribution of Your Personal Information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreement with such partners and third parties. Further, NOBUY RENT shall not be responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties or events that are beyond the reasonable control of NOBUY RENT including but not limited to, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.

    1. NOBUY RENT may update this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without advance notice. In the event there are significant changes in the way, NOBUY RENT treats User’s personally identifiable information, or in the Privacy Policy itself, NOBUY RENT will display a notice on the NOBUY RENT or send Users an email, as provided for above, so that You may review the changed terms prior to continuing to use the Services. If You object to any of the changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy, and You no longer wish to use the Services, You may delete Your Account Yourself or contact to delete Your Account. Unless stated otherwise, the current Privacy Policy of NOBUY RENT applies to all information that NOBUY RENT has about You and Your Account.
    2. If User uses the Services or accesses the NOBUY RENT after a notice of changes has been sent to such User or published on the NOBUY RENT, such User hereby provides his/her/its consent to the changed terms.

    1. NOBUY RENT strongly encourages parents and guardians to supervise the online activities of their minor children and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools also can prevent minors from disclosing their name, address, and other personally identifiable information online without parental permission. Although NOBUY RENT and its Services are not intended for use by minors, NOBUY RENT respects the privacy of minors who may inadvertently use the website or the mobile application.

    1. You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is a part of the NOBUY RENT Policies, and You unconditionally agree that becoming a User of the NOBUY RENT by Signing Up signifies Your
      1. assent to this Privacy Policy, and
      2. consent to NOBUY RENT using, collecting, processing and/or disclosing Your Personal Information in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
    2. You acknowledge that Your visit to the NOBUY RENT and use of the Services is subject to this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.
    3. By using NOBUY RENT and/or by providing Your information at the time of registration and any time thereafter, You consent to the collection and use of the information You disclose on NOBUY RENT in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree to Your Information being collected, used or shared in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy, You may withdraw Your consent anytime for which You shall delete Your Account and shall inform Your withdrawal of consent by writing to or contacting the Grievance Redressal Officer/Consent Manager provided hereunder, but You acknowledge that You may not be able to continue using the Services of NOBUY RENT, after withdrawing Your consent.
    4. By deleting Your Account, You agree that all the information including Personal Information, shall be retained by NOBUY RENT, as reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes regarding our Users, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements and/or protect our legitimate interests, or any other specified purpose, until such specified purpose is no longer being served. In the event that Your information is no longer required, We will ensure that it is securely deleted.
    5. Upon withdrawal of Your consent to the processing of personal data, NOBUY RENT shall within a reasonable time, cease and cause any third parties who have access to such data to cease processing the same, unless such processing without Your consent is required or authorised under the provisions of the PDP Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law for the time being in force in India.
  • 15. GENERAL:

    1. NOBUY RENT will communicate with the Users through email, phone and notices posted on NOBUY RENT or through other means available through the service, including text and other forms of messaging. The Users can change their e-mail and contact preferences at any time by logging into their "Account" at NOBUY RENT and changing the Profile settings.

    1. This Privacy Policy shall be governed and construed under the laws of India, without any reference to its conflict of law rules and the courts of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
    2. In case of any disputes or differences between the Users and NOBUY RENT, the same shall be resolved by Conciliation under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. If the said disputes or differences are not settled by Conciliation, the Parties shall resolve them by Arbitration before the sole arbitrator under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, incorporated at the above address. The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be English and the seat shall be at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

    1. In accordance with Information Technology Act, 2000 and PDP Act, and the rules made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer/Consent Manager are as follows,

Grievance/Nodal Officer/Consent Manager:
Mr. Sathese Kumar,
M/s. Atozrent Private Limited,

D. no. 21, 21/1, Second Street, Sankara Nagar,
Vilankurichi, Coimbatore North, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu, India - 641035.

Contact Number: 91-7550222760

Email ID:

Lodge Your complaints at (portal address):

Alternatively, You may raise a complaint regarding any instance of personal data breach, to the Data Protection Board of India as constituted under the PDP Act.

We will use reasonable efforts to respond promptly to any requests, questions or concerns, which You may have regarding our use of Your information. If You have any grievance with respect to our use of Your information, You may communicate such grievance to the above mentioned Grievance/Nodal Officer. For withdrawal of Your consent given to Us to process personal data, You shall reach out to the above Grievance officer/Consent Manager conveying the same.

You shall ensure not to register a false or frivolous grievance or complaint with NOBUY RENT.